Generation Chosen

Apostolic Ministry

Imagine the Lord bringing together an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and a teacher. Or the Lord bringing together an apostle/prophet and a pastor/teacher. Imagine a close spiritual friendship being formed to the point where these ministers take care of each other and look after one another as a real team or family would. Think if the Lord had stripped these ministers of their own ambitions for their personal ministries, so that they could come together to fulfill the Lord’s ministry. What if the Lord put these ministers in charge of one ministry? What would be the results of this convergence?

The Spirit of God is moving to change the current church and conform it to His will and word. We all have to make a choice: do we want to continue to do it the way we have been taught, or do we want to accept the truth of His word and do it the Lord’s way? Believers who choose the Lord and His way will go on to maturity and fullness. Believers who choose the current religious system (even Charismatic church system) will not come close to experiencing all that the Lord desires for them. 

Ministry Teams

The Lord desires to bring apostolic teams together to fulfill His apostolic movement. The apostolic movement will restore His church and bring her to the level of maturity and devotion she is intended to be at. Over the last 30 years we have only seen the birthing of the apostolic move. Both the apostolic movement and apostles have been in an immature stage until. Over the next 10-40 years, the Lord will bring His apostolic church to fullness. The Lord will use mature ministers working together on apostolic teams to bring His will forth. These ministers will not be superheroes with super powers. Rather they will be broken of their own will, and weak in themselves, that the Lord’s super power might work through them. The Lord will use the Apostolic move to refocus the church on Himself. Any apostolic or prophetic ministry that draws more attention to itself than the Lord, will become a monument. Real apostles will not preach an apostolic movement, but the Lord Jesus Christ and Him crucified. A movement is not the goal, coming to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ is the goal.

The Lord will bring apostolic teams together in different parts of America and the world. He will hand pick these people and move them to where they need to be. In the right time, they will meet and begin their friendships. The bond of the Spirit will come upon them as the Lord is finalizing His character in them. These ministers (who may not even be in ministry at this point) will see the Lord’s vision for His church and begin planning according to the will of the Spirit. They will do life together, and care for one another as a family. The Holy Spirit will create a bond so tight, that the enemy will not be able to penetrate and divide. 

Before these people ever meet, the Lord will have taken each of them through a specially selected wilderness for testing and training purposes. They will have passed the tests in order to be qualified for the Lord’s appointment on an apostolic team. They did not pass the tests because of their own abilities, but only because they learned to distrust their own abilities, and lean on the Lord’s ability. These ministers will not pass some of the tests with perfect scores just as a passing score on a test in school is not 100 percent. There is only One who ever received 100 percent on all His test scores. The wilderness of God will bring each of these team members to a place of maturity in which they can function together under the authority and direction of the Holy Spirit. 

In the proper timing of the Lord, and in very specific places; these apostolic teams will start ministering together. These ministries will manifest the gifts of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. Since Ephesians chapter 4 states that all five ministries are necessary to bring believers into the unity of the faith and the maturity of the Son of God; believers who choose to be apart of these ministries will come to the knowledge and the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

Believers who are content to stay in the current religious system and only sit under the ministry of a pastor, will be spiritually stale and never progress to full spiritual maturity. If the ministry of a pastor could bring the church to maturity by itself, the Lord wouldn’t have needed to create four other ministry gifts. But instead He put all five of them in His word as a standard for His New Testament Church. If He didn’t want some of the ministry gifts to operate any more in the church, then He would have put that in His word; since He is not a God of confusion. Therefore any doctrine that does not recognize all five ministry gifts as currently operating in the church, is a doctrine and theology of man; not the word of God. Only the reasoning of man would try and explain away scripture, and rationalize why certain parts of God’s word are no longer needed. The Lord is the only one who has that authority. Men that try and take that authority unto themselves are saying they know better than God. This is great pride. 

The apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher will function as the elders, bishops, or overseers of a particular ministry. All these titles were used interchangeably in the book of Acts, and are simply another name for leadership in the church. Please see my teaching on “The Apostolic Church” for further  explanation. The apostolic minister will take the lead, but not makes all the decisions. It will be a team. The apostle will constantly be seeking prophetic guidance from the prophet, as the apostolic ministry deeply values prophetic revelation. The team will function together and makes decisions together. The team will be in agreement on all major decisions, much like a husband and wife in a marriage. Jesus will oversee the apostolic team as the apostolic team oversees the ministry. The team will seek the will of the Lord and only do as He desires. 

Just because the team will make decisions together, does not mean that there is not a team leader. The scriptures are clear: “And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.” (I Corinthians 12:28 NKJV). The Holy Spirit inspired a specific order to this text for a reason. The Greek word that is translated “first” means: first in time or place (in any succession of things or persons; first in rank (influence, honor, chief, principal). Clearly the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to use that specific Greek word for a reason. 

The Holy Spirit is trying to get this point across by emphasizing the ministry of the apostle very heavily throughout the book of Acts. Even if current pastors and prophets choose to not align themselves with the word of God, the Lord will have His way by raising up mature pastors and prophets who will accept and follow His word. These mature pastors and prophets will go on to be apart of powerful apostolic teams that bring the church to maturity. 

Even though an apostle may be first in rank among the leadership; a true apostle of the Lord will not be an authoritarian. A leading apostle will ensure the team makes ministry decisions together. A true apostle defers leadership to the specialist in each field. For example, if souls being saved is the focus, then the evangelist will be leading the charge. The team leader of each ministry mission depends on which of the five ministry gifts best fits the mission. The Lord’s mature apostles will gladly defer leadership to another minister who is more anointed than themselves in a certain area. Real apostles know with certainty that they cannot bring believers to fullness by themselves. They know that the prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher are absolutely necessary; and without the team functioning together, the Lord’s mission will not be completed. We will see ministers laying aside their individual ministries and humbling themselves to work with other ministers, so that apostolic teams can be formed. We will go into further explanation of the apostolic vision towards the end of this article. 

Discerning the True Apostolic Ministry

Apostolic ministry is something that we must be able to discern. The church in Ephesus was commended by the Lord because they could discern the real from the false (Revelation 2:2). If we receive ministers who are not apostles and are simply titling themselves as such; we run the risk of being spiritually abused and going into deceptive bondage. If we cannot properly discern real apostles, then we will not receive an apostle’s reward (Matthew 10:41-42). In other words, the ministry of an apostle will not be released (signs and wonders will not occur), and believers will not be brought to maturity. When Jesus was not properly received, He couldn’t perform miracles that the people desperately needed (Mark 6:5). 

Paul shows us some keys in identifying false apostles:

But [now] I am fearful, lest that even as the serpent beguiled Eve by his cunning, so your minds may be corrupted and seduced from wholehearted and sincere and pure devotion to Christ. [Gen. 3:4.] For [you seem readily to endure it] if a man comes and preaches another Jesus than the One we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the [Spirit] you [once] received or a different gospel from the one you [then] received and welcomed; you tolerate [all that] well enough! Yet I consider myself as in no way inferior to these [precious] extra-super [false] apostles.

For such men are false apostles [spurious, counterfeits], deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles (special messengers) of Christ (the Messiah). And it is no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light; So it is not surprising if his servants also masquerade as ministers of righteousness. [But] their end will correspond with their deeds.

[For] since many boast of worldly things and according to the flesh, I will glory (boast) also. For you readily and gladly bear with the foolish, since you are so smart and wise yourselves! For you endure it if a man assumes control of your souls and makes slaves of you, or devours [your substance, spends your money] and preys upon you, or deceives and takes advantage of you, or is arrogant and puts on airs, or strikes you in the face.” (2 Corinthians 11:3-5, 13-15, 18-20 AMPC). 

This scripture shows us that false apostles cause believers to turn from their pure devotion to Christ. These false apostles do this by turning the focus of believers from Christ to them or their ministry. There is a demonic seductive power at work in their false apostolic ministries. They were enticing God’s people by half-truths like the serpent, and preaching another Jesus. The false apostles could have been preaching a Jesus who allows us to continue in sin, and just keeps showering us with love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness; when the real Jesus preached, “repent.”

These false messengers could have been preaching about a Jesus who is just a savior, but assuring the people that he does not judge or bring judgment against anyone; and therefore denying His supremacy as the righteous King and Judge. Basically, these false apostolic ministers were changing the almighty God of the scriptures into a Jesus that fit their own will and desire. The glory of God was transformed into man’s carnal interpretation, much like it has been done in the church today. When some ministers don’t like who Jesus is in the Bible, they change Him into who they want Him to be. They transform Him into their humanistic definition of love, and ignore the truth of the scripture that threatens their definition of love. Some leaders today are preaching another Jesus. The true apostolic ministry will restore the true image of Jesus, and turn the hearts of believers back to a sincere and pure devotion to Jesus Christ. 

The believers in Corinth had received the Holy Spirit, but they were now opening themselves up to receive other demonic spirits by welcoming the false apostolic ministry into the church. Once a believer allows himself to come under the authority of a demonic minister, deceptive bondage starts to set in; and the believer comes under the control of a demon. This is exactly what happened to some of David Koresh’s followers at the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, TX. They were lured in by his “new” teaching that was “another gospel.” They believed Koresh’s doctrine, and it started to corrupt them. Then they started to believe in him as a messenger. When the people did that, they willingly gave a demon authority over them. Deception set in, and the people gave away their freedom for bondage and control. They set aside some of the scriptures. Men even started giving their wives to David Koresh, because he had a revelation that he should bare the burden of sex for the flock (so the people could stay pure). Koresh then impregnated other men’s wives and had children with them. This is the strong delusion that comes upon people when they are polluted by demonic doctrines, and submit to demonic control. 

The true apostolic ministry wars against this type of bondage and control. Paul exposed it, and rebuked the believers for tolerating it. Apostolic ministry hates seeing the Lord’s people going into bondage to other men. They long to see believers become bondservants to Jesus Christ alone. Paul saw that the believers in Corinth thought that his preaching was unskilled compared to the false apostles (2 Corinthians 11:6). Many immature believers in the church today follow men, because they are good preachers. However, someone being a good preacher does not mean they know the Lord. I have heard polished and entertaining preaching that did not have the burden of the Lord on it. It sounded good, and everyone clapped and got excited; but there was not an inward burning that accompanied the preaching. When Jesus spoke, hearts burned (Luke 24:32). There are many entertaining and exciting preachers, but few who burn with the inward fire of God.

The false apostles that Paul contended with were filled with pride, and titled and exalted themselves. Carnal Christians sometimes like carnal leaders. These false apostles were filled with the self-life (everything was about them, their calling, and their ministry). They made the believers give money to them, and treated them harshly (striking them in the face so to speak). The church in Corinth is a prophetic picture of many in the Charismatic Movement. They tolerate false ministers stealing their money so they can live luxurious lifestyles. They submit to these false leaders that tell about how great their own faith is, all awhile beating the sheep down; and insinuating that hardly anyone could attain to their high spiritual stature. The false minister remains the focus, while Jesus stays in second place (even though His name is dropped in sermons). 

Real apostles care for God’s people, and do not see God’s people as their people. Paul shows us an example of the heart of an apostle: “For neither were we at any time found using words of flattery, as you know, nor a cloak of covetousness (God is witness), nor seeking glory from men (neither from you nor from others), when we might have claimed authority as apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother cherishes her own children.” (1 Thessalonians 2:5-7 WEB). 

At one time I sat under a ministry that called itself apostolic. One time the leader was talking about purchasing a new location for a meeting place. He told the congregation, “I can’t talk about where it is because someone here would probably screw it up.” That is an example of beating the sheep. The supposed apostolic leader couldn’t even trust the people of God, that He was supposed to be serving, with information about where the meeting place was moving to. This is an example of the false apostolic ministry that has to control everything, and bashes the saints making them feel bad. True apostolic ministry includes the whole church in the discussion and the decision making, because all of God’s people are important (Acts 6:3-5 and 15:22). 

For more revelation on discerning false ministers who are operating in power, please see my teaching on “The Power of God.”

Jesus the Apostle

The Bible communicates that Jesus was an apostle (Ephesians 4:8-11 and Hebrews 3:1) during His earthly ministry. Therefore Jesus sets our example to follow in apostolic ministry. Jesus demonstrated the heart of a true apostle by being a spiritual father to his disciples, raising them spiritually, and commissioning them into ministry. The apostolic anointing works to align the people of God with the Kingdom of God. That is why Jesus preached the Kingdom of God. He desires His church to align with the Heavenly blueprint of the Kingdom. Jesus’ apostles are tasked with bringing inward Kingdom transformation. However, this brings great conflict with the established religious system. We see the apostolic anointing operating in Jesus throughout the entire book of John. Jesus is waring against the religious system all the time, and the religious system is coming against Jesus. This is a hallmark of the apostolic anointing, and how we can properly discern the authentic functioning of this ministry. The religious systems of man will always be in conflict with the Kingdom of God.

In each chapter of the book of John, we see tensions mounting between Jesus the apostle, and the religious leaders. The leaders saw the apostolic authority on Him that Moses carried, but they wanted their way and their system to continue. Their love is for power and for a system, rather than a love for the Lord. As the Lord’s true apostles are released in the coming days, they will come into direct conflict with man’s religious system just as Jesus did. This is not really happening yet in America on a large scale. This is because many of the current ministers that are considered apostolic, are not functioning in the fullness of the apostolic gift. There are ministries, for example, that are considered apostolic and mainly focus on healing and deliverance. Jesus or His first apostolic ministers never focused on healing, teaching healing, or teaching the prophetic. Jesus’ first apostles preached Christ and Christ crucified. When the Lord commissions His true apostles, they will have the same focus and devotion that His first century apostles had, while also functioning in the power of God.

If an apostolic ministry is absent of conflict with the religious system, then we really have to question if it is truly apostolic. Again, Jesus and Paul were in constant conflict with this system, because the system keeps God’s people in bondage. Jesus ran head first into the religious spirit, because it didn’t want Him to minster healing and deliverance to people. Jesus didn’t submit to this spirit of control and false doctrine, and neither will His apostles. There are currently leaders and denominations that teach against experiential Christianity. For example, they teach that you can’t feel the presence of God, or that you don’t need to. This is part of the religious system that is trying to keep people from having an intimate relationship with the Lord.

Could you image what would happen in the natural if someone was trying to keep a man and his new bride from each other, and didn’t want them to have physical contact? I guarantee there would be a fight. Well the Lord is fighting for His bride, and He wants an intimate relationship with her. The Lord’s weapon to tear down the prison of religion is the apostolic anointing that he gives to those called as apostles (this is the call of a prophet as well). The Lord is jealous for His bride. Those who stand between Him and His bride should be afraid. War is coming to the religious system. Just as the Father sent Jesus with the apostolic anointing to break the power and hold of the religious system over His people, Jesus will send His chosen apostolic messengers to break the current religious structure that is opposing His will and Kingdom. Jesus will have his bride. 

Both Paul and Jesus, at times, rebuked the religious leaders of God’s people. This is the apostolic anointing at work. True apostolic ministry will confront the leadership of God’s people when that leadership is not aligned with the Lord’s eternal will and purpose. Some ministers and believers do not understand this confrontational mode of apostolic ministry. They may view it as “being critical,” because they judge what they do not understand. It’s a difficult thing to grasp if one is not called as an apostle. We must be discerning and careful of what we accuse of “being critical.” Was Paul being critical when he publicly rebuked Peter (Galatians 2:11-16), or Jesus when he spoke blunt truth about the religious leaders of His people (Matthew 23)?

Authority of Apostolic Ministry

As the Lord restores the fullness of His apostolic ministry, the authority of the apostle will return. Jesus the apostle will minister through His chosen apostolic ministers. The five ministry gifts given to leaders for the body of Christ are more than just gifts. Jesus Himself operates through these ministers. And when Jesus is operating and speaking through the five ministry gifts, it is vital that we listen and obey. To hear the word of the Lord coming forth in the authority of Jesus is both necessary and dangerous. It’s necessary so we can see the church built, but dangerous because if we do not obey, there may be grave consequences.

Christ is the Head of His body. He will lead, guide, mature, grow, and correct through headship ministries. I understand that people have been hurt by improper, immature, and false leadership. These issues are addressed in my teaching: Spiritual Covering and Authority. Many of us have been hurt by unrighteous or illegitimate leadership. However, we cannot allow our bad experiences to prevent us from going on to attain the fullness that Christ’s desire for us. We have to allow Jesus the apostle and prophet to direct us through His chosen leaders. The Lord has always moved in the way. He functioned through Moses in this very way. When we submit to the authority of Christ through His appointed leaders, we are actually submitting to Christ. Those who have been hurt by leadership in the past must allow the Lord to heal them so they can journey on to fullness. Failure to be healed will prevent believers from accepting the Lord’s authority through apostolic and prophetic ministers, and hinder their spiritual growth.

Jesus chooses to lead through those He has assigned a leadership gift to. We must accept His choice to exercise His authority in this way. Accepting the will of Christ connects us as the body of Christ to the Head. The body cannot grow unless it is connected to the Head. If we yield to Christ through His leaders, the following scripture will be realized in our generation:

but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.” (Ephesians 4:15-16 NKJV).

Restored apostolic authority will bring people into the obedience of Christ: “through whom we received grace and apostleship, for obedience of faith among all the nations, for his name’s sake;” (Romans 1:5 WEB). It is a ministry that is charged with caring for God’s people and making sure they are not infected with the poison of false doctrine (2 Timothy 2:17-18). Apostolic ministry is charged with addressing unrepentant sin in the church that could infect the whole congregation (1 Corinthians 5). Paul tells the congregation in Corinth to kick-out the believer who is engaging in deep sexual sin without repentance, and to deliver the man over to Satan for sickness in his body. This is an example of apostolic authority being exercised to protect the body of Christ, and so that the man sinning might repent and be saved.

Many teach against this doctrine of judgment, but it is actually the wisdom and love of God in action. I once was in a meeting in which a well-known prophet in the Charismatic church said he allows openly gay people to lay hands on believers and minister in his congregation. Obviously this is a direct contradiction of the Holy Spirit’s will in 1 Corinthians Chapter 5. This so-called prophet is actually teaching believers against what the Holy Spirit has said to do, and thus damaging the body of Christ. The prophet said these things trying to demonstrate how the love of God works, and how we should love people. This however is an example of human love, and not the love God. God loves homosexuals, but desires them to repent of their sins. He definitely is not alright with unrepentant homosexuals praying for His people, and transferring their demonic spirits to believers through the laying on of hands. Ministers can work with someone who is trapped in homosexually if that person hates it and believes it’s a sin. They cannot work with someone who wants to be a Christian and a homosexual, and doesn’t think it’s wrong. The true apostolic ministry being released will address these issues, and bring order. 

Apostolic ministry is tasked with bringing order and balance to the church. Apostles operate in the power of the Holy Spirit as their ministries are validated by works of power and miracles (2 Corinthians 12:12). However they bring balance by grounding believers in the word of God. Paul consistently pointed out what was wrong with different congregations, and told them how to repent and serve the Lord. He brought correction, and gave believers a revelation of what the Lord wanted. Above all, apostles call believers to the secret place. Intimacy with Jesus and the inward life is the priority in their own lives, and they urge others to make it a priority.

Apostles know that the high call is to know the Lord, and be transformed into His image (2 Corinthians 3:18). The Lord gives apostolic ministries the understanding and grace to be wise-master builders. They see the Lord’s vision for His church, and how he wants His people built together into His holy temple in which His Spirit can dwell (1 Corinthians 3:10). Apostolic ministries have the authority to lay a foundation of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11 and Ephesians 2:20-22). Just as the first century apostles and prophets were given a revelation of Jesus Christ for the church, the apostolic and prophetic ministries of the final century will be given valuable insights for the church to navigate these last days. They will also be given a revelation of Jesus Christ in order to bring many believers into a deep relationship with the Lamb of God (Ephesians 1:9-11 and Ephesians 3:5).

Apostles may carry great authority from the Lord, but it is not an easy road. It is a long brutal process of crushing between the call and the commissioning. During the preparation process, the person called to the apostolic ministry will die 1,000 times to self; until the will of God is prevailing in the vessel. Then once commissioned into ministry they will face great opposition from the religious system and the world. The picture of Peter being crucified upside down, and the following scripture best illustrates this point:

For I think that God has displayed us, the apostles, last, as men condemned to death; for we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men. We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are strong! You are distinguished, but we are dishonored! To the present hour we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. And we labor, working with our own hands. Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we endure; being defamed, we entreat. We have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things until now. (1 Corinthians 4:9-13).

NAR Movement 

Apparently there has been a movement called New Apostolic Reformation, and there are people who oppose apostolic reformation and speak out against it. I do not know the doctrine that this movement teaches, and have never thought to be apart of this movement. I do however support Jesus Christ, and support what He says in His word. The Holy Spirit says that apostles are to be here until we come to the unity of faith, and the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13). This obviously has not happened yet, so the scriptures must still be fulfilled. No man or doctrine can nullify the scripture. So those who are fighting against apostolic ministries are apart of the religious system that is actually fighting against God and His word. These people will face judgment from the Lord if they do not repent. The Lord is merciful and is giving them time to repent, but He will not allow the false doctrine of self-appointed watchman to cause His people to fall into deception.

These people cannot prove in the scripture that apostolic ministries have vanished, because it is not there. They are simply repeating a doctrine of demons that they have been taught by man. They are making themselves to be God, by telling others that certain parts of the word of God is null and void. That is exactly how cults are formed. Someone gets a “revelation” that certain scripture verses are no longer needed, and so they form it into a doctrine; and it becomes a tradition of men. It will not go well for those false-watchman, who by means of a root of bitterness, stand against God’s word. Apostolic ministry is a truth in the scripture that God is restoring. It is no different than any other truth that God has restored over the last few centuries, such as the ministry of the evangelist, gift of healing, gift of prophecy, and the baptism of the of the Holy Spirit. You be the judge...what does the word of God say? The only way to stay out of deception is to obey God’s word, and push aside the traditions of men. 


Mature apostles will become spiritual fathers. Their ministries will be characterized by real spiritual families. They will have the humility of Christ flowing through them, so they will treat other believers with kindness and respect; not viewing themselves as superior. True apostolic ministries will be authentic and genuine, which will be the foundations for spiritual families to form. Believers who are hungry for spiritual families will gather around these apostles. The true apostles will carry a shepherding anointing to gather the family of God. These leaders will care about believers (their spiritual development and intimacy with the Lord). They will not use believers to build their own ministry, but understand that seeing believers transformed into the image of Christ is their ministry.

These apostles will relate to believers like genuine family, and not from a hierarchical leadership standpoint like has plagued the current church. These apostolic leaders will be “touchable” and not “untouchable” like the “super” apostles that Paul addressed (that were ministering to the church in Corinth). A real apostle is a “super nobody” who allows Christ to be the One is a “somebody.” Authentic spiritual families are coming as these apostolic ministries are being commissioned by the Lord.

The Vision

Let’s take a look at what the Lord’s church may look like in many places across the country in the coming years: 

Imagine that you just moved to a new area, and had heard reports about a regional apostolic church; so you decide to check it out. The first meeting you attend seems genuine and authentic. The corporate worship takes you to a place deep in the Spirit of God. You lose sight of yourself, and your problems. You come before the Lord’s throne and encounter the King. You connect with Him unlike you have ever connected with Him before in public worship. The worship goes on for a while even though it doesn’t seem like that long. There is no agenda or need to move on, because there is not a second or third service pressing the minister to do so.

Over a period of time of attending meetings at this location you determine that the leaders seem very genuine. It doesn’t seem to be about them and their vision like you have experienced at other ministries. These leaders seem to focus their attention on the Lord, and ensuring that His desires and will comes to pass. Their main priority is making sure that the Lord has a bride prepared for Him. 

You notice that there are around three to five meetings per week. People who cannot attend the meeting on Sunday morning, are able to go Saturday night or during the week. The leaders take turns speaking so everyone has the opportunity to be exposed to all five leadership gifts written in Ephesians 4:11. Because of this fact, you notice that many believers there are at a higher level of maturity than you have seen other places. And the believers there who are immature or newly born again, seem to be growing and progressing very rapidly in the faith. 

After a few months of attending meetings at this ministry you observe that the overseers (who represent the five leadership gifts) spend a lot of time mentoring and raising up other leaders who are called by the Lord to a ministry function. It appears that these leaders care about these younger ministers as if they were their own children. They are doing what they can to help them along their path (even if it means the young leader must leave the apostolic regional center to be apart of another ministry in the future). These leaders seem to be more concerned about building people, rather than their own ministry. Maybe it’s because they realize that their true ministry is about building people just as Jesus did. 

The apostolic team is visiting different peoples’ homes within the church doing meetings. You understand that this is exactly what Jesus and His first apostles did (Acts 20:20). Apparently this new model of leadership is actually the old model, that the Lord and His first disciples demonstrated. 

You observe great signs and wonders being done under this apostolic ministry (Acts 5:12). However they don’t talk about the miracles or market them like many ministers you have seen in the Charismatic Movement. They fully disclose that Jesus is the one doing these acts of power (Acts 3:12-16). 

Since God has brought forth this apostolic ministry, and put together His team; great grace is resting upon the entire church community. (Acts 4:33). The Holy Spirit is overseeing the ministry and releasing His presence in ways that are almost unimaginable. The Holy Spirit is empowering the lives of believers as they do life, so life seems fresh instead of dull and mundane. Believers are no longer simply going to church as a routine, but they have become the church. Worship has become a lifestyle. The presence and grace of God is empowering the apostolic church community to live a devoted life to Christ like the first century church lived. The Holy Spirit is anointing people within the church who are just serving food, to go out and preach the gospel with signs following (Acts 6 and 8). People are being empowered, instead of controlled. Apostles and prophets are taking teams (believers, worship teams, intercessors) with them to minister in surrounding cities, and the synergy of the team is powerfully impacting people. The Lord’s glory has returned, and can be seen upon His people as they are representing the King. 

Only believe. It is by His Spirit. 
