Generation Chosen

The Antichrist System: Global Government

There is one government that is above every earthly government. This is the government of God, the Kingdom of Heaven. Many world governments think that their government rules supreme over their people, and they are deceived. There is an invisible government that rules over all.

Governments of man that submit themselves to the government of God will be blessed. Governments of man that think they do not need to submit to God, set themselves in opposition of God’s Kingdom. Unfortunately many leaders in various world governments are controlled by worldly appetites such as wealth, fame, power, and control. Pride has entered their hearts and caused them to think that they are better than others, and destined to rule over people. They believe people need to submit to their decrees. These rulers think little of God, and some despise Him. We are seeing the following scripture fulfilled before our very eyes:

Why are the nations in an uproar [in turmoil against God], And why do the people devise a vain and hopeless plot? The kings of the earth take their stand; And the rulers take counsel together Against the Lord and His Anointed (the Davidic King, the Messiah, the Christ), saying, “Let us break apart their [divine] bands [of restraint] And cast away their cords [of control] from us.” He who sits [enthroned] in the heavens laughs [at their rebellion]; The [Sovereign] Lord scoffs at them [and in supreme contempt He mocks them]. Then He will speak to them in His [profound] anger And terrify them with His displeasure, saying, “Yet as for Me, I have anointed and firmly installed My King Upon Zion, My holy mountain.”” (Psalms 2:1-6 AMP)

The Holy Spirit is letting us know what will happen, and what is happening. Many leaders and governments around the world do not want God to control them. They want to break away from His rule, so that they can rule as gods. They want absolute submission to their will. 


We are currently seeing a global system of control put into place. This system of tyranny is being set up by Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17-18). She is hidden from many people because of the deception sweeping over the nations, which causes spiritual blindness. Mystery Babylon is powerful and wealthy elite families who control the world banks, corporations, and many governments of the world. Many leaders of nations are but puppets for these elite families. 

The Bible tells us that ten world leaders will break free from these wealthy elite and destroy them (Revelation 17:16-18). These coming ten world leaders will end the reign of Mystery Babylon. Once the ten leaders have global control, they will shorty thereafter turn their kingdoms over to one-world ruler, the antichrist. The antichrist will then have global authority and rule for three and a half years (Revelation 13:1-7).

Currently world governments are drifting toward globalism. This is a one-world government or a new governmental order. Some call it a new world order. We are seeing this system being put in place right now. The wealthy elite or Mystery Babylon, are putting this system in place so they can rule supreme in the earth, and so that all of us “common folk” can be their slaves. They seek to divide us by race and political beliefs. When we are divided then we will fight against each other, instead of unite to fight against their evil oppression. 

Mystery Babylon thinks she will have global dominion, but she will learn the truth when she is crushed by the rebellion of the ten global leaders. They will break free from her control and use their military might to betray and destroy the powerful elite families. Then one leader will arise above the others, and the one kingdom of this world will be handed to him. 

The Antichrist System 

This antichrist system is already being established, so that when the one world ruler takes his throne, he will be able to quickly exercise global control. The system of control I speak of is multifaceted. It is a system of surveillance through cells phones, computers, listening devices in homes connected to the internet, and the tracking of movements through GPS on vehicles and cell phones. It is a system of taxing people into poverty, and getting people financially dependent on the government. The antichrist system being put in place is also attempting to silence the masses by taking away free speech. The system can control people even better if the ownership of private lands are abolished, and firearms are confiscated. If people do not have weapons, they cannot resist an oppressive antichrist government. If people do not have food and water, they can be more easily controlled by evil government. 

Then comes freedom of religion. The rising antichrist desires to take away our freedom to worship the one true God. He wants to force us to worship him only. He will attempt to do this by instituting a mark. Unless the mark of the beast is taken, people will not be able to buy or sell (Revelation 13:15-18). Those who do not worship the beast or take the mark, will be persecuted and killed. This is a global empire of complete authoritarian rule. This evil global dictatorship is coming, and we cannot stop it. We can only prepare for it, and seek the Lord on how best to resist it. We obviously don’t resist government that is good and looking out for the well-fare of its people.

The antichrist system of worship will not be setup suddenly. The antichrist spirit has been attempting to erode our freedom of religion globally over a period of time. Under the American constitution, the first amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Therefore according to the ultimate law and foundation of the United States, the government cannot make a law regarding the Christian church. They cannot prohibit the assembly of the church, the right to exercise our faith by praying and worshiping, and the cannot stop the freedom to speak the name of Christ and preach His gospel. However, the antichrist spirit will use whatever means necessary to bypass and destroy our U.S. Constitution. It will even create rhetoric stating that the constitution is old and out dated, or attempt to manipulate the interruption of its original intent.

The antichrist spirit will even attempt to use things such as pandemics to prevent the church from meeting. The constitution forbids the government from making any law whatsoever in regards to the church. This should include prohibiting prayer in public schools. Our founders purposefully set it up this way so that the government could not control the church. Our founders knew what they were doing, since this was one of the very reasons that Europeans sought to escape to America. They wanted the freedom to serve God without governmental control and oppressive laws.  

The antichrist spirit operates in great pride. It knows better than we do. It believes it has all the wisdom, and everyone else should submit to its every command. It believes itself to be superior, just as Satan believes himself to be. The antichrist spirit cares not for the opinions, decisions, and free will of others. It will not tolerate free thought, as it desires to totally control thought. The evil spirit will even use a health crisis as cover, to force people to take injections into their bodies that they don’t want to have. Domination is its endgame. 

The antichrist spirit hates the church and is now seeking to shut it down all across the world. This spirit will use cunning and deceptive tactics to prevent the church from gathering in the days ahead. Freedom of religion is under attack across the nations, because the antichrist spirit wants there to be only one religion in the world. That religion is the worship of the fallen angel Lucifer, who still seeks to exalt himself above the most high God. 

Sly Deception 

The enemy will attempt to wear down the saints with condemnation and manipulation. “If you really have God’s love, then you will stay at home and not meet with the church. If you meet with the church then you might get someone sick, and they could die. It would be your fault. That’s not God’s love. You should obey and not meet with other believers.” The Holy Spirit prompted Peter and John to address this very issue when confronted by the religious leaders of their nation:

“So they sent for them, and commanded them not to speak [as His representatives] or teach at all in the name of Jesus [using Him as their authority]. But Peter and John replied to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you and obey you rather than God, you must judge [for yourselves]; for we, on our part, cannot stop telling [people] about what we have seen and heard.”” (Acts 4:18-20 AMP)

Peter and John, moved by the Holy Spirit, disobeyed religious and governmental authorities in order to obey God. The Lord told His disciples to preach the gospel (Mark 16:15), and the Holy Spirit inspired the scripture that states not to forsake gathering together as the church (Hebrews 10:25). If governments shut down the church (God’s people) from meeting, we are going to have to choose who we are going to obey; corruptible worldly leaders with hidden agendas or an incorruptible Heavenly government. Are we citizens of this world firstly, or are we citizens of Heaven first and foremost? Where does our supreme allegiance lie? It will be tested by the Lord in the coming days. 

Peter and John stood for their Master Jesus Christ. They disobeyed their earthly authorities in order to obey Christ. Then they were arrested and placed in jail by the governmental authorities for disobeying (Acts 5:17-21). So the Lord sent an angel to tell His disciples to continue disobeying the earthly governmental authorities who had the power to put them in jail and harm them. When the disciples were recaptured, Peter shows us the will of God:

Then Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than men [we have no other choice].” (Acts 5:29 AMP)

Therefore, if the the Lord tells us not to forsake our meeting together as believers, anyone or any system that tells us otherwise is antichrist in nature; since they are telling us the opposite of what God is telling us in Hebrews 10:25. Are we going to obey God who is ruler of all, or are we going to obey worldly governmental systems instead? Who we obey is who our true master really is. Many believers say that the Lord is their Master, but their confession will be tested in the days ahead to see if it is genuine. It’s easier to obey God when there are not any negative earthly consequences. It’s easy to obey the Lord when He blesses us in return. But what about when we obey Him, and because we obey Him; suffering comes? 

Jesus didn’t stop His ministry simply because the religious and governmental leaders commanded Him to. Paul also followed in his Master’s footsteps. Both were killed for their disobedience to worldly systems of authority. Paul understood that he could never die, and that no man could take his life. Those who follow the Lord will not love their earthly lives, so they will not try to hold on to them. They will not fear death or be swayed by the threat of it. These chosen vessels will stay focused on the will of their Master regardless of what it will cost them in this earthly life. 


Satan was a conspirator from the beginning. He deals in deception and secrecy. He controls powerful men in this world who do not know God. Satan gives these men wealth and power, so in return these men are given over to Satan’s evil plans. Just as the Lord has followers who are fully given over to His will, Satan has men whose hearts are fully given over to darkness. These wicked men of the earth have an agenda of killing millions of people (an if possible, billions).

These ruling elites are under the influence and delusions of Satan. They believe the earth is becoming overpopulated, and desire to “thin out” the population of the earth. They do not believe the earth can sustain the amount of people it currently has, and that global warming will destroy the earth. Their Satanic solution is to depopulate the earth, as they obviously do not believe that Jesus will return and create a new earth. Therefore, they take it upon themselves to be as god, and fix the earth by their own power. Mystery Babylon is behind this evil plan to depopulate the earth. 

Abortion is one of the primary ways that the elite are attempting to “thin” the human race. They have used the dark power of Satan to convince the masses, that aborting a baby is not really taking a life. However once a person has used their free will, and made a decision to have a baby; that decision cannot be undone. Man’s attempt to murder or take away human life, is but an attempt to play God. Only the One true God has the true authority to take life. Abortion is really a deep form of pride in the heart of man, and a clear manifestation of man overstepping his authority. 

At the time of this writing, the World Health Organization records that there are around 45 million abortions each year in the world. Other sources show an even higher annul abortion rate. Mystery Babylon has been succeeding in dehumanizing babies, and deceiving the masses into believing that abortion is not murder. A wealthy software businessman is on record discussing lowering CO2 levels by lowering the human population. The man says, “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (abortion); we could lower that (human population and thus reducing CO2) by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

It should also be noted that the business man mentioned vaccines when discussing lowering the human population and the CO2 that humans produce. But wouldn’t vaccines cause people to be healthier and live longer? Not if those who work develop the vaccines are controlled by Mystery Babylon. If the elite desire to control the population through abortion, isn’t it conceivable that they will use certain vaccines to inject harmful substances into people so that they die more quickly?

Major corporations manufacturer cheap products that contain cancer causing chemicals. These corporations get wealthy while we get sick. The corporations also manufacture cheap food using genetically modified organisms. These things are linked to obesity, cancer, and heart disease; which are the two leading causes of death in the U.S. (besides abortion which stands at around 1 million per year). 

If we get sick from cancer causing materials, GMOs, and vaccines; the elite get richer. Once sick, we are slaves to large pharmaceutical companies which are owned by the elite. These companies control many in government through their wealth and power. These powerful elites are then able to trap people in a never ending cycle of pharmaceutical drugs. The corporations continue to get richer, while the general health of people does not improve. Then people die prematurely which is the endgame of the wealthy elite all along. Mystery Babylon reduces the population and achieves part of her goal. 

People who do not have the Holy Spirit living in them, cannot be trusted to look out for our best interests; even if they are doctors or in charge of major government health organizations. Christians are foolish to trust their health to unbelievers. Those who don’t have Christ living in them can be easily manipulated by the rising antichrist spirit. The Bible teaches that great deception is coming upon the world, and we have been warned. We can no longer simply go through life and believe that everyone and every organization wants the best for us. Many politicians and wealthy companies only care about themselves, and furthering their own wealth and power. They do not care if you and your family die, even though they may pretend to care. 

Fear of Death

The spirit of fear is having free reign in much of the world now. Plagues have been released as Jesus prophesied (Matthew 24:7). But we can not give in to the fear of death like unbelievers are. Unbelievers should be afraid of death, because they do not have eternal life abiding in them. If Christ is our life, then we can never die; and we will not fear plagues. True followers will overcome this fear because the Healer, Protector, and Deliverer lives in them. 

Jesus lived with a sense of purpose. He demonstrated that His life could not be taken by anyone or anything, until the Father gave permission. We must follow in His example. If we are truly following the Lord, then Christ in us will uphold our life until it is time to go to Heaven. No one can take the lives of true disciples until Christ allows it. Then we get to be with Jesus. So how can dying in the Lord be a bad thing? It’s only bad for those believers who are carnal minded, and more focused on the temporal, rather than the eternal. This temporal life will end for us all, and it is fleeting. 

We must allow Christ in us to overcome the fear of death. John G. Lake had a revelation of the life of Christ within him. In Africa in the early 1900s, during the height of the Bubonic Plague; Lake told a doctor to place live virus cells in his hand. The doctor did so and observed through a microscope. The disease died instantly in Lake’s hand. Is the Lord really able to do this? He certainly is and He certainly will for those who will choose to walk with him in this capacity. Christ has power over death, and the fear of death. 

The American Dream

A system of slavery has been set up in America. This system projects success as having a nice house, car, and things. It teaches that a good paying respectable career is the goal in life. The American system of slavery brainwashes people into desiring a certain kind of life, and the traps them in a “hamster wheel” everyday to gain more money in which is needed to live that certain life. Instead of having time with God, people prioritize work, attend sporting events, entertainment, social media, and social functions. It’s a system that values social status over knowing the Lord. Few place value on people who walk with God. 

Many of the things we spend our time doing hold no eternal significance. Years are wasted on activities that do not involve God, and do not bring us into a deeper revelation of Jesus. We become enslaved by a system that confines our potential from breaking out, and hinders our devotion to the Lord. A system that keeps us focused on the natural, so that we fail with the spiritual life (which is eternal). 

This system has been designed by Lucifer to keep people from walking with Jesus as disciples. It renders believers useless for the Kingdom of Heaven. Believers know more about worldly things than they do about Christ within them. Lucifer uses the government, the media, and the entertainment industry to promote the American enslavement dream. His goal is to keep believers from becoming intimate with Christ. If believers are not intimate with Jesus, they will not become burning lamps for the Gospel. If they do not become burning lamps, they will remain largely ineffective for the Kingdom of God. 

I am not implying that we should not have a job, money, home, cars, or a career. The Lord provides jobs so that we can live. I am saying that our main focus and priority should be seeking, knowing, and being transformed into the image of Christ. Our dream should be a Heavenly dream, not an American one. Our citizenship is first and foremost, a Heavenly one. So we cannot allow the enemy to sidetrack us with earthly dreams that will cease to exist. If we allow the American dream to remain or become our focus, we are nothing more than slaves to the system. Prisoners in a matrix.

Slavery by Debt

The Federal Reserve is a private bank controlled by the elite (Mystery Babylon). The U.S. Federal Government does not own or control the Federal Reserve. In fact, the Federal Reserve controls the government. The Bible says that the borrower is a slave to the lender (Proverbs 22:7). The Federal Reserve creates paper dollars and loans them to the United States government while charging interest. The government then continues to raise taxes on the American people to an unsustainable rate in order to merely pay interest on the debt owed to the Federal Reserve. It’s an unrighteous system that will implode in only a matter of time.

However could that be the purpose? Implode the current monetary system to usher in a new one-world cashless monetary system that can be tracked and controlled. This will then give way to the mark of the beast. If you don’t take the mark, then you cannot participate in eating at restaurants or shopping. This antichrist system is slowly being put in place now so that it will be set up for when the antichrist rises to power. Then the mark or the number of his name will be implemented. It’s coming. Prepare now. 

The Lord has a strategy for each of us to navigate this financial system. Let the Spirit lead and guide you. What works for someone else may not work for you. The Lord may have you working to pay off your home mortgage, while He has a different plan for others to follow. Don’t judge. We are all on different journeys, and the Lord does things differently with different people. But we should be seeking the Lord about how to get out of debt.

Judgment on Governments and Governmental Leaders

The Lord is going to bring judgment against nations and leaders who are enslaving people. If iniquity prevails from places of authority in a nation, then a nation cannot be spiritually healthy. If sins and abominations are legalized by a government, God cannot bless that nation. Let’s say for example, the government of a country legalizes sexual immorality and abortion (murder). Because these two things are great sins against God, He will not move in the full power of the Holy Spirit unless the nation repents. So the entire nation suffers because of the choices, decisions, and laws of the government.

Many government officials are bought and paid for by powerful elites. Mystery Babylon controls government officials through blackmail, threats of death, sex, power, and unrighteousness wealth. Government officials who give in to the elites are then controlled forever. These officials then cease to do what is right for the people, and only obey their masters who control them. Many government officials are nothing more than puppets of the real government which lurks unseen in the shadows. 

Therefore evil floods a country when controlled officials and judges make evil laws and decisions. Many nations around the world are suffering right now because of this very thing. People are enslaved, made poor, and damaged because of the unrighteous authorities they are under. But the Lord is arising. He heard the groans of the children of Israel (Exodus 2:23-25), and started in motion a series of events so that His people could be released from governmental bondage and oppression. 

We must hear from God how to pray in regards to the governments of the world. Have our prayers for national revival, awakening, and the transformation of countries happened over the last generation? Could it be that what we have been praying for hasn’t happened, because we haven’t been praying the right things. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t pray for those things, but I am saying that prayer didn’t cause Nineveh to have a revival. Jonah preached that judgment would come. The government and the people repented, so God showed mercy. Revival broke out because of the works of repentance, not prayer. 

But many governments around the world have not repented, and they are not afraid of God’s judgment. They don’t believe in God’s judgment, since much of the church doesn’t even believe in God’s judgment. Because governments do not believe in God’s judgment, they continue on in their evil dealings without any works of repentance. This is exactly where the King of Egypt’s heart was at during the time of Moses. 

The Lord begin to pour out His wrath on Egypt. Every judgment did more damage to the nation and the government, until finally the pride and authority of the government was broken. In the coming days, the Lord will break the power of certain governments who enslave or oppress His people. The judgment on Egypt is an example to us in our time. 

When the Lord announced He was going to bring a specific plague or judgment against Egypt, Moses didn’t intercede and try to get God to change His mind. He didn’t cry out for mercy for the oppressive government of Egypt that had kept God’s children in bondage. Mercy would have only contributed to the King’s heart becoming harder, and his pride greater. The Lord had already shown Egypt mercy for centuries, and they continued to worship false gods and bathe themselves in sin. Mercy had only furthered their sinful and destructive lifestyles. We must know the season that God is in or we may be found praying against His will in the coming days. 

Moses agreed with the King of kings, and spoke His words of judgment to the king of Egypt. If Moses had a doctrine that stated, “God doesn’t judge;” the Lord wouldn’t have been able to use Moses. He would have had to find another person to be His mouthpiece that could and would listen to the Almighty Godhead. Many could be passed by in the days ahead because of their heresies, and lack of understanding in regards to the eternal Godhead. 

Judgment falling on Egypt was the only way that God’s people were going to be set free. So as it is in our day. If the Lord were to send revival on a nation, but the government is not transformed so that new laws are formed; then everything would return to the way is was before revival came. If revival comes, but legalized abortion and sexual immorality still continue in a nation; the revival will fade just as they all have in the past. Righteousness must reign from the top down, so works that demonstrate repentance happen (changing laws to reflect the righteousness of the word of God). 

“Well if revival comes, then the entire government will be transformed; and new laws will be formed,” someone might say. Remember, governments are controlled by Mystery Babylon. The elite and wealthy ruling families of the earth are not going to repent (the scriptures show that Mystery Babylon will be judged and destroyed for not repenting). Therefore these rulers will not give up control of the governments, meaning they can’t be transformed. My point is, the governments are so controlled by the Scarlet Woman, and she will not let them go. Just as Egypt’s king would not let Israel go, until severe judgments started destroying his entire kingdom; even killing his firstborn son. The elite will only let nations break away from their control if they start to lose wealth, resources, and the lives of their own family members. Their hearts are just as hard as the Pharaoh’s heart was. 

What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not! For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor? What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction,” (Romans 9:14-22 NKJV)

The Lord knows what He is doing when He decides to release judgment. He is a righteous judge, and if it were not right to release judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah for their gross sexual sin; then He never would have came up with the idea. Some believers act like they are more righteous than God, and intercede (argue) when God makes a decision. They act like God is unrighteous for making a decision to release disciplinary judgment on a nation. Do we know what is best or does the Lord see what we cannot see? We only see in part and know in part, while the Lord sees and understands the big picture. We must trust His vision, knowledge, decisions, and judgment. 

If the Lord decides to bring down judgment on a city, nation, or people group; it’s not up to us to tell God there is a better way. How far have we fallen, when the creation is declaring that it knows better than the righteous Creator? The Judge told Moses He was going to judge Israel for her sin (Exodus 32:9-14). Moses interceded and got the Lord to relent. But what was accomplished? Did that older generation go on to walk with God, fulfill His will, and take the promise land? No, they did not. They wandered down a path of sin and unbelief. They even caused Moses to get angry, sin, and forfeit his call to lead God’s people into the promise land. The older generation of Israel only suffered for a longer period of time in the wilderness, before dying from various judgments and plagues. 

The Lord foresaw all this and based His decision to judge Israel on this foreknowledge. He wanted Moses to inherit the promise land, but Moses’ decision to intercede and turn back the wrath of God; caused his own ministry and calling to fail from coming into fullness. In fact, Moses could have entered into the wilderness with the younger generation of Israelites when he was around 82 years old. But instead of instant judgment on the older generation, Moses had to wait 38 years for the extended judgment to be completed. And by that time, he had disqualified himself by becoming angry and disobeying God (because of the people’s attitudes toward the Lord). 

There are lessons to be learned in the word of God through the lives of others. Not everything that is recorded in the scriptures is an example of what we should do. Sometimes it’s an example of what not to do. We really need the discernment of the Holy Spirit. We need to hear the Spirit on how we are supposed to intercede, and when we are supposed to. Because there are times to intercede for people and nations, and cry out for mercy. Always follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

It’s interesting that “The Lord said, “Shall I keep secret from Abraham [My friend and servant] what I am going to do,” in regards to destroying Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:17 AMP). The Lord didn’t say, “Should I keep a secret from Abraham what I might do.” “Going to do” and “might do” are completely different things when it comes to the Lord. If the Lord is going to do something, we are not going to stop Him. When the great King has decided He is going to do something, then His soldiers better get in line with their commander and agree with His proclamation. Abraham’s intercession didn’t stop the Lord from bringing the judgment that He “was going to do.” The Lord certainly knew how many righteous people were in the city when Abraham was speaking to Him. Aligning ourselves with the Holy Spirit means we need to hear and pray what the Spirit is saying. In this case, the Lord didn’t want to save the city, but He did want to deliver a few righteous people (Lot and his family) from the city, before it was burnt with judgment fire.

Will we agree with God’s judgment? If the Lord asks us, will we pray for His judgment to come upon the leadership of nations? If unrighteous leadership is removed, nations could be set free and prepared to stand against the coming antichrist. Will we decree, if commanded, like Moses did with Pharaoh? Through judgment, Israel was released from an oppressive government, and they experienced a spiritual rebirth. Does your nation need a rebirth? Sometimes God’s judgment is the only way to be set free from evil authoritarian systems. Do we truly want to be free? Knowing and believing the truth can make us free.

The Lord knows which leaders will repent, when shown mercy. He also knows those who will never repent, because they are so entangled by Mystery Babylon. These are the leaders that are being used to setup the antichrist system globally. We can pray accordingly for those who the Lord knows will repent, and those who He knows will not repent. The Lord’s judgment is pure, right, and it will happen:

For true and righteous are His judgments, because He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication; and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her.” Again they said, “Alleluia! Her smoke rises up forever and ever!” (Revelation 19:2-3).

Discerning the Times

Of course fulfilling the scripture below is is the perfect will of God.

First of all, then, I urge that petitions (specific requests), prayers, intercessions (prayers for others) and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all people, for kings and all who are in [positions of] high authority, so that we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This [kind of praying] is good and acceptable and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,” (1 Timothy‬ ‭2:1-3‬ ‭AMP)

This however applies to governments that are not activity persecuting, oppressing, and killing believers. Governments who are neutral or favorable to Christians will benefit greatly from this kind of praying. Praying this way is God’s will in a “general sense.” During the life of Joesph, this is how the Lord wanted believers to pray for the Egyptian government. The Egyptian government then moved into the evil sin of aborting children around the birth of Moses, and oppressing God’s people. That forced the Lord’s hand to bring judgment. When the Lord decided to judge, He told Moses what to what to say. Since Moses had a living relationship with God, he didn’t quote a verse to God that backed up his personal argument. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 is an example of the general will of God. It’s the Living Word Himself that we need to hear.

In Luke 9:51-56, two of the disciples ask to call down fire on a city, because the city rejected Jesus. Jesus rebukes the disciples because they didn’t understand the will and timing of judgment. The Lord determines who is shown mercy, and who is shown judgment; we don’t decide for ourselves. In Luke 10:13-15, Jesus prophecies judgment on three cities for not repenting. Jesus even tells all the people in Capernaum that they will burn in Hell. Is Jesus bipolar, since He just finished telling His own disciples not to ask God to burn people with fire? No, He is simply hearing what the Father is saying, and moving in the right timing with the Father. Jesus didn’t pray for the government in authority in that city. Instead, He told them they would burn in Hell for not repenting. His prophecy was final, and His word sure.

Global Governmental Control

The Lord scattered people into different nations at Babel for a reason, but now the globalists are attempting to undo what the Lord did. They want to rebuild a type of Babel. The globalists are pushing toward a one-world government in which one man (the antichrist) will attempt to rule the entire world (Revelation 13:1-8). Daniel Chapter 11 shows that nations will resist the antichrist’s push for global domination, and wage war against his one-world government.

The Bible tells us that the Lord will win. The antichrist will be stopped and Satan will be confined to prison for a 1,000 years. The question is, will we win with the Lord? Will we choose to stand and resist the antichrist governmental system of oppression. Or will we, out of concern for our earthy lives, submit to the satanic system of control? We will face eternal judgment (good or bad) for whatever we decide. 

Submission to Jesus Christ’s Heavenly kingdom will be resistance and opposition to the coming antichrist’s kingdom of control. Christ will completely destroy the antichrist’s tyrannical government at His coming on the last day of this age. We must be aligned with the Spirit of God so that we can discern all aspects of the antichrist system of control, and so that we do not come under its influence. Many governments are already manifesting characteristics of the antichrist kingdom. Ask the Holy Spirit for revelation and discernment. Ask Him how to pray and what to decree. We need to be about our Father’s business, and only doing what we see our Father doing. Now is the time to focus on Jesus Christ, and to live for Him.

-Ty Unruh (2021)