I feel the Spirit of the Lord highlighting His word through Amos to the church. Specifically, the church in America however the Lord may apply this to other nations as He sees fit. I sense the Lord revealing Himself as the Lion of the tribe of Judah who is now roaring to His church from the Heavenly city of God:
“And he said, “The Lord thunders and roars from Zion [in judgment] And utters His voice from Jerusalem; Then the pastures of the shepherds mourn, And the summit of [Mount] Carmel dries up [because of God’s judgment].” (Amos 1:2 AMP)
Many pastors (shepherds) in the American church are going to mourn over the judgment of their beloved religious system. The Lord is roaring at the false religious system which is masquerading as the church. The system is going to be judged, so that the real church will be separated from the false church. The shaking has begun, but it will now intensify.
“For thus saith the Lord Almighty; Yet once I will shake the heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; and I will shake all nations, and the choice portions of all the nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord Almighty.” (Haggai 2:7-8 Brenton LXX)
The shaking is coming to the world and the religious system. The Lord will expose this Babylonian religious system, and bring His church out of it. Only then will He fill the church (His only temple) with His glory. Believers will soon be forced to make a choice; stay in the religious system they are comfortable with and risk spiritual death, or become the true church of the living God. Even now the Lord is beginning to call to His people to come out of the Babylonian system:
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not be a partner in her sins and receive her plagues; for her sins (crimes, transgressions) have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her wickedness and crimes [for judgment].” (Revelation 18:4-5 AMP)
The religious system is apart of Babylon, but it is not Babylon (or all of Babylon). In other words, Babylon incorporates more than the religious system. Much of what is termed “the church,” is entrenched in this religious system. This article will help expose this false religious system, so believers can be set free.
The Exposure
“If a trumpet is blown in a city [warning of danger] will not the people tremble? If a disaster or misfortune occurs in a city has not the Lord caused it? Surely the Lord God does nothing Without revealing His secret plan [of the judgment to come] To His servants the prophets. The lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken [to the prophets]! Who can but prophesy?” (Amos 3:6-8 AMP)
The Lord is revealing His plan to judge this system, because it is destroying His people. The system is keeping God’s people from knowing Him and following him. The Lord wants His people to come before His throne, be in His presence, and receive a word from His mouth; but the system and it’s leaders are resisting the Almighty. The Lion is roaring to get the attention of His people and bring them outside of the religious camp. Those who choose to stay under the authority of the Babylonian system will partake of her plagues and judgments. One of those plagues will be a spirit of deception.
Believers, because of familiarity and comfort, who choose to stay in the false church; will come under the deception of false prophets and ultimately the false prophet. The false prophet will have control of the global religious system. This spirit is already at work unifying Christian denominations and other religions under one universal god. When a believer yields to a certain spirit by staying under its authority, they lose their spiritual vision. Those who think they can remain unchanged and stay under the religious system are already deceived.
The Judgment
“Hear, O ye priests, and testify to the house of Jacob, saith the Lord God Almighty. For in the day wherein I shall take vengeance of the sins of Israel upon him, I will also take vengeance on the altars of Bethel: and the horns of the altar shall be broken down, and they shall fall upon the ground. I will crush and smite the turreted-house upon the summer-house; and the ivory-houses shall be destroyed, and many other houses also, saith the Lord.” (Amos 3:13-15 Brenton LXX)
The Lord is going to take vengeance on the false religious alters of Bethel (the house of God). He will shake the houses that claim to be His with their mouths, but in reality their hearts are far from the living God. The shaking and judgment on the religious system is good, because the Lord will use it to separate the true Bethel (house of God), from the false Bethel.
“For thus says the Lord to the house of Israel: “Seek Me and live; But do not seek Bethel, Nor enter Gilgal, Nor pass over to Beersheba; For Gilgal shall surely go into captivity, And Bethel shall come to nothing. Seek the Lord and live, Lest He break out like fire in the house of Joseph, And devour it, With no one to quench it in Bethel—”(Amos 5:4-6 NKJV)
The Lord will bring some of the current false religious house of Bethel to nothing. The religious system is currently teaching and preaching to the church: “Get people to the house of God.” But the Almighty is saying, “Do not seek the house of God (Bethel), but seek Me and live.” The religious system does not offer life. Christ does. The life is in Jesus. The spiritual life that we need to overcome this age and our own self-life is found in Jesus. Seek Jesus and live! Seek the Life Himself to overflow with His life! Then when His life is flowing through us, we come together with other believers and become the house of God. His life, light, and glory will then emanate from Bethel. If we seek Him first, the real Bethel will arise and shine.
The False Bethel
The false house of God or false church has been exposing itself, because it is absent of the life of Christ and the presence of the Spirit. The false system has hijacked Christianity and transferred Bethel into a house of formulas and rituals.
The false Bethel religious system is that which stays in its programs instead of staying in the Spirit. It starts with three worship songs, and then stops regardless if the Spirit desires to go on worshiping. The system caters to the people, not the Spirit. The System needs to get to the announcements, the video, the offering, and the message. The Holy Spirit is placed on the back row, or just kicked out the back door! The system will even stop worship once the atmosphere just reaches to the throne room, so that it can preach a sermon about worship. I’ve seen it! And I felt the life sucked out of the meeting! The life Himself left with His glorious presence, so a pastor could give a five-point message on how to worship!
I felt the Spirit say on that occasion, “You were just entering into the Holy of Holies in the Spirit, and then worshiping Me transitioned into a message about worshiping Me. My people were worshiping Me, and their worship was taken from Me so knowledge could be presented to them about worshiping Me. I desire to have communion and be worshiped in Spirit and truth.”
Why is it that many leaders of the religious system cannot discern what the Lord desires by His presence? Could it be that they spend so little time with before His presence that they don’t really know Him or what He wants? Could it be that they can’t feel the leading of the Spirit because they are only focused on their program, instead of following the movement of the Spirit of God with their spiritual senses?
“I hate, I reject your feasts, and I will not smell your meat-offerings in your general assemblies. Wherefore if ye should bring me your whole-burnt-sacrifices and meat-offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I have respect to your grand peace-offerings. Remove from me the sound of thy songs, and I will not hear the music of thine instruments. But let judgment roll down as water, and righteousness as an impassable torrent.” (Amos 5:21-24 Brenton LXX)
The Lord rejects our humanistic offerings in our assemblies and churches. He will not accept the mixed worship of the false religious system. He will not hear our religious worship and praying if it is only for the sake of our traditions. “Traditions of worship” is when the act becomes part of our religious “form” or way of doing things. A religious form does not contain the life of Christ. False religious worship is when we control it and use it for ourselves. It’s when we sing a few songs because we like doing it, but stop it before it gets too long so we can “get on” with the meeting. So let judgment roll down like water on this false religious garbage! Let the false religious system be destroyed, so the Lord can have a people for Himself. A people who desire to worship Him in Spirit and truth, and want to abide in His glory. Let a people come forth that are lead by the Spirit, and desire to worship the Lord because He is worthy and deserving; instead of only worshiping Him because it’s part of a program.
“The Lord said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A plumb line.” Then the Lord said, “Behold, I am setting a plumb line [as a standard] Among My people Israel [showing the defectiveness of the nation, requiring judgment]. I shall not spare them any longer. [The door of mercy is shut.] And the [idolatrous] high places of Isaac (Israel) will be devastated and deserted, And the sanctuaries of Israel will be in ruins. Then I shall rise up against the house of Jeroboam with the sword [and destroy the monarchy].” (Amos 7:8-9 AMP)
The false church and false religious system will now start incurring greater and more severe judgments in order to set God’s people free. The Lord has measured Bethel with His plumb line, and she has been found wanting. He has not found her works perfect before Him (Revelation 3:2). Leadership, bound by the religious system, has kept God’s people from Him for far too long. So the Lion Himself is roaring from the Heavenly Zion. He will no longer spare the idolatrous sanctuaries of the false Bethel.
The false system has other characteristics beside false worship. It is a system of control in which believers are treated as peasant servants of the “senior-pastor.” The system merges with the American culture to create titles like: “senior-pastor, worship-pastor, associate pastor, executive pastor, lead-pastor, youth pastor, children’s pastor, administrative pastor, men’s discipleship pastor, small-group pastor, etc.” Instead of yielding to the scriptural model found in Ephesians Chapter 4 of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers; the false religious system sets up a “made-up” hierarchy of pastoral ministers. By doing this, the false house of God opposes God and His word. The false religious system becomes “a word” unto itself. It becomes independent of God, telling Him how it will operate.
This is much like David when he disregarded God’s way of the priests transporting the ark of the convent. David decided to do things his way by having some oxen pull the ark on a cart. Uzzah died because David chose to create his own system of carrying God (2 Samuel 6:1-15). God will only be “carried” or lifted up in ways that he desires.
Some have preached that David “thought up” the idea of 24/7 worship and the “tabernacle of David.” They have said that David created this way to worship God, and that the Lord went along with David’s idea. But is that what the Lord did when David came up with the idea of carrying the ark on a cart pulled by oxen? The scriptures reveal whose idea “the tabernacle of David” really was:
“Hezekiah stationed the Levites in the house of the Lord with cymbals, with harps, and with lyres, in accordance with the command of David [his ancestor] and of Gad the king’s seer, and of Nathan the prophet; for the command was from the Lord through His prophets. The Levites stood with the musical instruments of David, and the priests with the trumpets. Then Hezekiah gave the order to offer the burnt offering on the altar. And when the burnt offering began, the song to the Lord also began with the trumpets accompanied by the instruments of David, king of Israel. The entire congregation worshiped, the singers also sang, and the trumpets sounded; all this continued until the burnt offering was finished.” (2 Chronicles 29:25-28 AMP)
The concept of the prayer and worship known as “the tabernacle of David,” was a command from the Lord through three of His prophets. The idea originated with the eternal Godhead. It’s best that the modern church ceases from coming up with its own humanistic ways of worshipping the Lord and carrying God’s glory. We need to yield to His Spirit, and align with what the Spirit is doing at any given church meeting. What’s the next idea the religious system will be coming up with; worship apostles, senior-super-apostles, or Bible-study apostles?
The false religious system says that church can only be conducted in an “official” church building on Sunday. Some leaders say the church can only meet on Saturday. However the Spirit of God was moving on the early church, and they sometimes met daily corporately and gathered in each other’s homes throughout the week (Acts 2:46). The Holy Spirit inspired believers to meet together in homes thus making those gatherings “the church.” Believers are the church and wherever they gather, the church is present.
But the legalistic modern religious system does not except “home churches” as “the church.” These churches are many times considered “rouge” assemblies. But believers are tired of the ungodly control being abused by the leaders of the false religious system. Many have been withdrawing from the false religious system, and I have witnessed this where I currently live in Idaho. There are many believers in Northern Idaho that don’t even meet with the church. Should we condemn them or try to shame them back in to the religious system called “American Christianity” that they came out out? No I think not. The Lord will take care of these sheep that have been scattered by the false religious system. The Lord is releasing His apostolic and prophetic ministers who will oversee home churches and empower believers to go deeper into Jesus.
The false Bethel has been sowing evil heretical seeds among God’s people. Bethel has taught God’s people that the Lord does not judge nullifying the New Testament revealing of God as the righteous Judge. This evil teaching has spread around the world and the teachers of this demonic heresy will be held accountable. This poison has done great damage to the church.
Certain Charismatic church circles have taught that we are God. Versions of this teaching have been preached from major platforms. We are certainly not God or gods. We are humans created by God that fell into sin and needed to be saved by God. We are now a new creation and we have God in us. We are not equal to God in His Godhood. Jesus was equal to the Father because Jesus is God. Adam was not God or equal to God. Having God in us does not make us God.
The heretical sound of the false religious system will soon be drowned out by the trumpet of judgment and the roaring of the Lion. The voice and teaching of the Lord will emerge through His messengers to correct the charismatic slop passed off as the word of God.
The perverted religious system wants you to give money to it and fund it. Many Christians are actually empowering this false system to continue against God’s will by funding it. The system uses manipulation to persuade believers to give financially, and tells them how much they will be blessed. Will God bless us for funding and furthering something that He doesn’t even want, or something that is against His will? The system preaches as much about money as it does Jesus. That’s because the system has its heart set on money. Where its treasure is, its heart is focused on. If the religious system’s heart was set on Christ, it would be revealing Him instead of thinking of new ways to preach money.
Jesus’ heart was set on His Father. He used money in parables to convey eternal truths of the Kingdom of God, but He did not preach money. A careful reading of the scriptures will reveal that Jesus didn’t even ask for tithes and offerings to be donated to His ministry. I’m not saying ministries shouldn’t receive money or offerings. I’m saying ministers should be focusing on following their Master Jesus, and preaching the Kingdom of their Father. Then their Father will provide all the resources they need like He did with Jesus. Our focus must be on the King and His Kingdom, not money.
Spiritual Pride
In 2015, I went with a large ministry to Brazil on a short-term missions journey. The team leaders asked us to count every miracle that happened and report them for statistical purposes. Something didn’t sit well in my spirit about this. I sensed a spirit of competition rise up among some of the team, similar to the first 12 disciples arguing over who was the greatest. It became about who could get the most miracles, and the biggest miracles with some. One person confessed to me that they just wanted to see God do a significant miracle through them. In other words, some motives were not to see people experience the compassion of the Lord and be delivered from their life destroying infirmity.
The ministry counted the statistics just like David counted the number of fighting men among Israel (2 Samuel 24:1-4). I was uneasying with this like Joab was with David giving the order to number the men. The Lord reminded me that He did not advertise His miracles, but told people not to tell anyone when a significant miracle occured. He modeled this as an example to all of His disciples who would be used to minister the miracle working power of God. Jesus demonstrated how to keep one’s heart free from pride. What I was witnessing taking place was happening because of the lack of the cross-life in certain believers.
The Lord was teaching me about how things are when He gives a little bit of power without someone’s self-life being crucified. It produces spiritual pride. The Lord was showing me that even the Charismatic Movement could turn into part of the religious system. He wanted me to follow Him, not a movement or miracles. The Lord wanted to be my life. He was teaching me that every movement that focused on individual truths became a monument. He didn’t want me to just preach and minister healing, He wanted me to preach Him, so that He could become the Life in His people.
Ministry to the Lord
The false religious system moves on from worshipping the Lord straight into its program. I can’t say how many times I’ve felt the grace of God lift in meetings when this happens. Instead of waiting on God in silence after worship, or transitioning to Spirit led prayer; the false Bethel butchers the anointing of the Spirit by talking and more talking. The leadership controlled by the false religious system knows how to follow the “American model of success.” And by success I am referring to gathering more people or “first time visitors.” Many American church services are catered to fit the needs of the people instead of the desires of the Lord. We must do nothing based upon human wants or even needs. Jesus only did those things He saw His Father doing. He didn’t do everything people wanted Him to do. We have to follow our Master Jesus, if indeed He actually is our Master.
Ministry to the Lord must come first if we truly want to be the house of God. The false house of god will always put people before God. We are here for Him first and foremost. Public assemblies are for ministry to the Lord. Secondly they are for bringing believers to measure of the stature of Christ’s fullness, and seeing the church transformed into Christ’s image. Thirdly, gatherings are for equipping the saints to be ministers of salvation, healing, and deliverance to the unsaved world. Currently in the false religious system, the unsaved world is mixed in with the church; and much of the church looks like the world. Watered down seeker friendly messages are preached from the mega-platforms which adds to the mixture.
The Lord is done with the mixed false teaching of the false religious leaders, and the whole false house of God system. Leaders have actually taught against God’s own New Testament word and blue print for His New Testament church. Doctrines have been taught against the baptism of the Holy Spirit, praying in tongues as a prayer language, gifts of the Spirit, prophecy, prophets, apostles, visions, angel visitations, healing, casting out demons, and many more spiritual truths written of in the New Testament. Educated teachers speak about Paul in an idealistic fashion, while denying his very teachings of what the New Testament church is to be and how she is to function.
The false religious system has been a forerunner for attacking and explaining away God’s word with their traditions. Jesus battled this same evil religious spirit that operated in the Pharisees. Scholars developed their own doctrine and traditions, and then they used it to explain away the word of God. These “scholars” have deceived masses of believers into disbelieving God’s word. These modern Pharisees have created “unbelieving believers” by their traditions of men. Therefore the Lord is roaring and bringing judgment on the entire religious system. His righteous judgment is rolling down like water upon the false church. But just as the false prophetic voice of the false Bethel resisted the true prophet of God, so will this modern system resist the messengers of the Lord:
Then Amasias the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, Amos is forming conspiracies against thee in the midst of the house of Israel: the land will be utterly unable to bear all his words. For thus says Amos, Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel shall be led away captive from his land. (Amos 7:10-11 Brenton LXX)
However the false system will not prevail. The roar of the Lion will come forth through His messengers, and begin “uprooting, tearing down, and overthrowing” this false religious system. The true house of God will emerge as the Lord begins to bring His followers out of the deceptive system. He will unite those believers with believers who have already left the system, and are not currently gathering with the church. The Lord will raise up apostles, prophets, and pastors/teachers who will truly care for His people. The will lead people to the Lord, and genuinely shepherd the flock of God with the fear of God in their hearts.
Famine of Hearing God
We are currently in a famine of the word of God. Unfortunately this is a judgment upon America and other nations and is affecting all of us to one degree or another.
“Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord God, when I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but [a famine] for hearing the words of the Lord. And [the people] shall wander from sea to sea and from the north even to the east; they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord [inquiring for and requiring it as one requires food], but shall not find it.” (Amos 8:11-12 AMPC)
The Lord is allowing this so that we will be able to discern the ministers of the false religious system from the messengers of the true house of God. Ministers of the false system teach, but inward transformation does not take place. When messengers of the Lord speak, pray, teach, and prophesy; the life and revealing of Christ is released in a believer. When prophets of the religious system prophesy, nothing happens internally. For example, Christ is not revealed in a greater way inwardly nor does His life increase in a believer. True prophets and messengers carry the life of Christ from standing in the council of the Lord. That resurrection life is then released into the spirits of the people of God. When a believer reads a prophetic word from the religious system, it should be easily discerned since it does not contain the life of Christ. It is simply “prophetic lifeless gunk” that wastes paper or internet space. It does not contain the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The Lord is and will release to a greater degree, fresh bread to His followers as they come out of the religious system and find Him. In 2013, someone shared a vision they had with me. The vision was a loaf of bread going into an oven. After a while the door opened and the bread was filling the entire oven and overflowing out. This vision spoke of the Lord releasing His fresh word (bread), to His messengers during a time of famine. I believe that the famine is now severe in the land, and that the fresh and living bread of Christ is needed now more than ever. The Lord is reveling the Living Bread that came down from Heaven in a greater way within His messengers. The Lord will pull many believers out of the false church as judgment rolls down on her like water. He will send those believers to apostles and prophets who carry the fresh bread of Life with in their hearts. Many will gather around these ministers in the time of “the famine of God’s living word.” The true Bethel will be raised up in these apostolic / prophetic gatherings. The Lord will arise in His glory and prepare His bride for His coming.
To Worldly and Sinning Believers
Come out of the Babylonian church now, lest you receive of her plagues. Judgment is coming to the false religious church system. Do not be caught up in its downfall. Don’t think that calamity or judgment can not happen to you because you claim the name of “Christian.”
““For behold, I am commanding, And I shall shake and sift the house of Israel among all nations [and cause it to tremble] Like grain is shaken in a sieve [removing the chaff], But not a kernel [of the faithful remnant] shall fall to the ground and be lost [from My sight]. All the sinners among My people will die by the sword, Those who say [defiantly], ‘The disaster will not overtake or confront us.’” (Amos 9:9-10 AMP)
The False System that Remains
I feel that even though the Lord will judge and bring down parts of the false religious system, other parts of it will remain and align with the global antichrist/false prophet one world religious system. The false religious system that remains will actually strengthen for a time as it is empowered by Satan and his false religious movement. Believers who resist the Lord and do not come out of the religious system, will be at great risk of being trapped in the satanic church of the false prophet. One of the ways the Lord judges is by removing the lampstand of a church (which is the church itself). When the Lord takes His Spirit and Life from a church, people can continue on in their religious form. This is how the religious system that survives judgment is on course to merge with the church of the false prophet.
To be clear, some of the false religious system will be judged and brought to nothing. While a good portion of it will merge with the antichrist global system. The Lord will not completely destroy the religious system because He wants His people to have a choice. Do they want the Lord Himself or do they love the false teaching and prophesying of the religious system more than the Lord? Believers will be given a choice as to whom they will love and serve. Sadly, some will choose the idolatrous Babylonian church system and be swept away in its delusion. They will give their allegiance to the false prophet, and be awed by his working of miracles.
The Roar of the Lion
The Lord’s fire is on these verses and I believe He is roaring this to the church in America right now:
““To the angel (divine messenger) of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of Him who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: ‘I know your deeds; you have a name (reputation) that you are alive, but [in reality] you are dead. Wake up, and strengthen and reaffirm what remains [of your faithful commitment to Me], which is about to die; for I have not found [any of] your deeds completed in the sight of My God or meeting His requirements. So remember and take to heart the lessons you have received and heard. Keep and obey them, and repent [change your sinful way of thinking, and demonstrate your repentance with new behavior that proves a conscious decision to turn away from sin]. So then, if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you. But you [still] have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their clothes [that is, contaminated their character and personal integrity with sin]; and they will walk with Me [dressed] in white, because they are worthy (righteous). He who overcomes [the world through believing that Jesus is the Son of God] will accordingly be dressed in white clothing; and I will never blot out his name from the Book of Life, and I will confess and openly acknowledge his name before My Father and before His angels [saying that he is one of Mine]. He who has an ear, let him hear and heed what the Spirit says to the churches.’” (Revelation 3:1-6 AMP)
Revival and Shaking
Glory will arise upon the true church during and after shaking. The Lord will restore true corporate worship to Him in Spirit and truth. He will rebuild the ruins of His beloved city, the people of God. The bride will be made ready for the coming of her Bridegroom. The Lord will then empower His bride to bring in His end-of-the-age harvest of wheat (however much that might be). The plowing will overtake the reaping of the harvest, meaning the sowing and reaping will be taking place at the same time and harvest will occur instantly after planting the Seed (Amos 9:11-15). This will happen because of the power, anointing, and grace being released by the Holy Spirit. There are dark times ahead of us, but there are times filled with the Holy Spirit empowering believers to do the works of Christ (John 14:11-14). Now is the time to seek Christ for His inward revealing and Life to be released in us. Partaking of His life everyday is paramount.
Sudden Calling
The Lord will call additional leaders in the days ahead. Many of these will be called like Amos. Amos didn’t attend seminary, or wasn’t actively engaged in ministry. Amos was working a normal job to make a living, when the Lord suddenly spoke to him. Some believers will be visited by the sudden calling of God, just like Amos and Elijah:
“Then Amos replied to Amaziah, “I am not a prophet [by profession], nor am I a prophet’s son; I am a herdsman and a grower of sycamore figs. But the Lord took me as I followed the flock and the Lord said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to My people Israel.’”(Amos 7:14-15 AMP)
“So Elijah departed from there and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, while he was plowing with twelve pairs of oxen before him, and he with the twelfth. Elijah went over to him and threw his mantle (coat) on him.” (1 Kings 19:19 AMP)
Coming Out
Jesus promotes, sends, and appoints to leadership very differently than the false religious system. The system wants you to serve it just as Laban tricked Jacob into serving him. The religious system promises promotion for serving it and uses the scriptures to justify its works. Seven years later, no promotion comes. And if it does come, the believer has yielded themself to the mission of the system and has become apart of it. The false religious system wants slave labor so the ruling class minister can be exalted, and their ministry can be built.
Jesus choose 12 “nobodies” who weren’t even serving in the religious system. They were serving faithfully in their respective careers, and inwardly had hearts for the Lord. Jesus didn’t come to them with a gospel of serving or money. He came to the 12 with a gospel of life. They chose to follow Jesus and serve Him, but He ended up serving them and giving them more than they could ever give Him. Their relationship was that of a family. They had a genuine friendship. The false religious system wants service without relationships. Like Laban, it thinks of itself, because it is full of self-life.
Laban could have had a real family if he would have treated his son-in-law like a real son. Instead Laban treated Jacob like an orphan slave. In the end Laban lost part of his family, including his daughters. So will it be with the false church. The Laban leaders are about to lose their slaves to real leaders who are truly following the Lamb. Believers will leave the “orphan camp” of Laban, and come out to the Lord. The Lord is raising up real shepherds who have hearts after Jesus’ will and purpose. These shepherds will create houses that are “community.” Believers will go to these locations and actually become family.
In 2012 and 2013, my wife and I experienced how much death is in the charismatic “labor camps” of the religious system. We saw Laban and his slaves in operation. We had to choose if we wanted to “toe the line” and be promoted in the charismatic religious system, or if we wanted something more than ministry and position. In order to have something more, we would have to follow Christ and partake of His rejection and shame. In 2013 the Lord called us outside the camp of the American Charismatic False Religious System. He is calling many others to come out as well:
“For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest as an offering for sin, are burned outside the camp. Therefore Jesus also suffered and died outside the [city] gate so that He might sanctify and set apart for God as holy the people [who believe] through [the shedding of] His own blood. So, let us go out to Him outside the camp, bearing His contempt [the disgrace and shame that He had to suffer]. For here we have no lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come.” (Hebrews 13:11-14 AMP)
This scripture speaks of following Christ outside the camp of the false religious system. Christ suffered because He followed His Father, and went away from the religious system. The system didn’t even know God anymore, just like much of the American religious system doesn’t know God. They can’t discern His will, and they don’t know what He is doing or saying. Many in the charismatic religious system are just prophesying their own will and desires. But if we truly take up our crosses, deny ourselves, and follow Jesus outside of the corrupted false church; Jesus will shine His light and truth into our hearts. He will give us eye salve so that we will regain our spiritual sight.
I am not implying that believers should never go to meetings within the religious system. I am saying that believers should not allow the religious system to have a place in their hearts. If we submit ourselves and our hearts to the authority of the system, it will control and damage us. The goal of the false religious system (or false church) is to destroy Christ in us. The system will do everything it can to replace Christ in our hearts. It will make every effort to quench the flow of the Spirit, and the life of Christ in us. The system is deadly and has destroyed the spiritual journey of many believers. Do not be one of its victims by staying “faithful” and attached to it in your heart. Follow Christ.
Let us go out to Jesus. He is not in the camp of the false religious system. He is outside the camp. Outside the camp is where our Master is building His Bethel (house of God). Outside the camp is where we connect with other disciples, and become that city “which is to come.” We need to gather with the true church, and allow the Holy Spirit to build us into His spiritual temple that He can dwell in.
-Ty Unruh (2023)