I had been traveling by myself for a few weeks. The solitude was difficult to get used to, but it gave me an opportunity to spend time in the secret place with the Lord. I found that silent prayer was the key for ushering in the Lord’s presence. As I would wait silently and focus on Jesus, His wonderful presence would fill me (His Temple). He was becoming my life. I had great experiences at the circus, but this was far better. This was the meaning of life that I was looking for, being in the very presence of the great King. Words could not describe the fulfillment I felt. I was in perfect peace. His love filled me. He healed my wounds. Each day He seemed to become greater and greater in me, as I was being transformed into His image. I had heard a few performers speak of waiting on God while I was at the circus, but judging by their performance schedules; they rarely had anytime to practice what they were preaching. Their performances were their lives. Now I had found Christ as my life. Christ became my food and my drink. His presence flowed into me and gave me life. Time began to go by rapidly. Months in His presence felt like a few days.
One day I started thinking about some of whom I had considered the most spiritual people at the carnival. They had moved in the gifts of the Spirit, and always had prophetic words. Yet there was a lack of holiness and devotion in their lives. I couldn’t discern it clearly at the time, but now I could see that these believers were spiritually immature. In pride, they wanted others to see them as spiritual, and many did because of the gifts operating. The Holy Spirit reminded me of how Judas operated in miracles, and healing; and then betrayed Jesus. Judas appeared spiritual on the outside, but inwardly he was a slave to sin. Judas’ was the bad tree that bore bad fruit. His character was his bad fruit. I loved listening to the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Since I was alone with Him so much, He became my best friend. I came to love Him deeply.
Lost in thought, I was startled to see a small group of people approaching me. “Why are they coming down the path I wandered?”
“Pay attention to what is coming out of the overflow of their hearts,” the Holy Spirit whispered.
A man in a bright yellow jacket approached me first. “Better turn around,” he said. “I thought I would be in ministry by now, but this path is never ending. I was given a lot of words about a large ministry I would have if I followed the Lord, but I surely took a wrong turn. Just trying to save you the trouble of journeying up this wretched mountain. I should have completed the ministry school at the carnival. The ring leader promised me a spot there. I had expected God to meet me up here on the mountain, and bring my promises and ministry forth; but He did not.”
A woman in a green jacket followed close behind the man. She had been talking to a few people behind her, but when she saw me she stopped. “We are headed back down if you want to come? I have to get back to a healing ministry. The Lord allowed a disease in my body, and it’s gone on for years. I can’t believe He would do that. I served Him faithfully, and even ventured up this dark mountain to follow Him. I was taught that He heals all the sick among His people. This can’t be the way. I have to get back to the circus, so I can sit under the healing ministry.”
As soon as she stopped speaking, I heard a voice behind me saying, “This is the way, walk in it” (Isaiah 30:20-21).
The small group tried to talk me into going back with them, but my resolve was firm. I could see that “Failed Expectations” and “Offense Towards God” had taken ahold of their hearts. These wounds led to disappointment that had nearly crippled their journey with the Lord. The Holy Spirit reminded me of a scripture in John chapter six when Jesus didn’t behave how His disciples wanted Him to: “As a result of this many of His disciples abandoned Him, and no longer walked with Him.” (John 6:66 AMP). These disciples had put their hand to the plow, and looked back. I discerned that the disciples who turned away from the Lord in these last days would be extremely vulnerable to falling away from Christ and taking the mark of the beast which number is 666 (as John 6:66 foreshadows). But I abided in Christ and His grace propelled me further up the path.
About three months later I passed a sign that read, “Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach.” (Hebrews 13:13 NKJV). The Lord shined light into my spirit. I understood that this was the path away from the established religious system. I was walking with Jesus away from this religious camp/circus/carnival. I was drinking of His cup of sufferings, by being an outcast from this religious system, just as my Master was. This forged an even stronger bond with my Master. I enjoyed walking the same path as Him, even if I was physically alone. “A disciple is not greater than his Teacher,” I told myself.
A few years had gone by since I encountered the group. It was a lonely road. I reflected on how painful the solitude was. I had begun to lose all hope for having a ministry, or seeing the prophetic words that I had been given come to pass. If I would have played the game that the circus/carnival people wanted me to play, then I’m sure my ministry would have come forth by now. But this path was death. Was the false prophet actually right? Was the group of people right? I felt like I was dying on the mountain. Each day felt like a new death. I died daily. A few years turned into a decade. The pain I felt on most days was too much for me to bear. I asked the Lord to remove it, but He would not. I finally understood why Moses didn’t want to go back to Egypt when the Lord appeared to him and commissioned him. At age 40 he was ready to take on the whole nation by himself and be a deliverer to Israel. At age 80 he was a broken man. His self-life had been stripped and he knew that he could do nothing apart from God. He no longer wanted to be the savior of his people.
The Lord enabled me to understand that if I had not chosen to embark on the narrow path, I would be riding the prophetic merry-go-round at the carnival for decades. He showed me that many in His church were trapped in this cycle. I had even seen this begin to happen to me when I was walking around the carnival. Each day I would check the prophetic word board for the newest revelation that was posted by the circle of prophets called “The 400.” I realized that during that time I was a spiritual baby, because I was sucking the spiritual milk of what my soul wanted to hear. On this narrow path, I received revelation directly from the King Himself. Although He did not give me revelation in vision form. It was an inward understanding that came from beholding the Lord inwardly. Someone had prophesied I would be a ‘seer’ back at the circus. For a time I had thought they missed it, because I was not seeing anything. Then I realized that I was seeing without seeing visions or dreams. The inward knowing and understanding I received from being with the Lord was spiritual sight indeed. In fact, I started to see more clearly than those who were constantly having prophetic experiences. I found that in the Lord, was hidden all the treasures of wisdom and understanding. Simply being with Him released the revelation to me. The hidden life with Christ was far greater than the glamour and excitement of the prophetic merry-go-round. I found out that those words never filled my spirit like being silent before the Lord did. Those words could not impart the fullness of life, because Christ is the life.
I also felt the pain that my Master felt as I journeyed with my cross. He had allowed me to be mistreated, rejected, and forsaken by the people at the carnival; just as He Himself had been by His own people (Isaiah 53:3). He had been healing me of these wounds for many years now. I realized that because of the hurt and wounds that I had shut myself off from my brethren, wanting nothing to do with them. This had caused me to sit in the ditch for a few years, when I could have been marching up the mountain. I didn’t even realize I was in the ditch, until the Holy Spirit finally pulled me out. I guess offense towards God had set in as well, because I thought things would going differently for me when I was journeying up the mountain. I now see that the Holy Spirit was trying to warn me through the disciples who had turned back. However I was so blinded by my strong self-life that I couldn’t see my own issues properly. The cross that I was carrying up the path had been digging into my skin and causing me to bleed for years. My flesh was falling off with each passing day. Some days I didn’t want to go on, or think I could go on. But Holy Spirit was greater in me than the Anti-Christ spirits that were opposing me every step of the way. I found out that the greatest warfare a believer can experience is when one has set their heart to be the Lord’s bride, and to go all the way with Him. Satan hates this and opposes it furiously.
The Mountain